Attack of the Killer Track! is a series that explores tracks from artists from a variety of genres. Some of the tracks were singles, some of them were obscure b-sides or long forgotten album tracks. One thing is certain – all of them are killer tracks.
At some point between declaring themselves “Bigger than Rod” (Stewart, that is) and admitting to indulging in tea, The Rutles released what I consider to be their finest song, Cheese and Onions. A single of epic proportions, it was later looked to for inspiration by none other than The Beatles. The song features an emotive vocal performance by Ron Nasty, in a style reminiscent of John Lennon. The orchestration conjures up visions of the 60’s – hippies & tea. It isn’t just a Nasty performance though, Dirk McQuickly, Stig O’Hara (a guitarist of no fixed hairstyle), and Barrington Womble all contribute to the song equally. Some may say that Womble is the Ringo of The Rutles, but I’d hardly agree – his drumming is essential to the overall vibe. The song itself was released on a 7″ alongside Rutlemania hits I Must Be In Love and A Girl Like You. Galaxie 500 later covered Cheese and Onions in stunning fashion – a Velvet Underground inspired slice of nostalgia. “Do I have to spell it out? / C-H-E-E-S-E-A-N-D-O-N-I-O-N-S, oh no”
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